Day 14 - Battery Management and Battery Powered Systems

Infineon Technologies Silicon Carbide CoolSiC™ MOSFETs in an EV charging application
With the growing market of electrical vehicles, the industry has put forward more requirements for the performance of charging piles. The e-learning below will show you that the emergence of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs has improved the charging pile industry to make the EV charger smaller, faster and with higher efficiency.
CoolSiC™ MOSFETs are built on a state-of-the art trench concept that sets a benchmark - allowing for both lowest losses in the application and highest reliability in operation. They are are available in 1200V, while the SiC MOSFETs in discrete housing come in 650, 1200 and 1700V. The latest addition to the portfolio is the CIPOS™ Maxi 1200V CoolSiC™ MOSFET based intelligent power module (IPM)
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