Innovation in Automation

Within ten years, the abstract concept of Industry 4.0 became tangible, material reality. Digitalization in industry holds many challenges, but also enormous opportunities. Changes not only affect product design, but increasingly strategies in the areas of development, marketing and sales are also being put to the test. In order to remain competitive, companies need to expand their core competencies to include software, network connectivity and cloud services capabilities.

Benefit from the Comprehensive Know-How of Rutronik's Experts

With increasing automation, not only manufacturing processes should become more efficient. It is also important to monitor processes, process data and gain insight to add value for customers. Products are becoming increasingly complex. Services also have to be partially redefined. This makes new partnerships necessary.

New approaches are also needed for end-to-end solutions that go far beyond the existing product range. The challenge today is to get the right designs off the ground for the next decade.

Central topics for providers in the "Industrial Automation" sector are "Predictive Maintenance", "Artificial Intelligence", "Visual Computing", "Digital Asset Management" and "Robotics". The seminar series "Innovation in Automation" highlights exactly these focal points. Together with leading technology providers for automation, Rutronik will provide decision-makers with an overview of trends, technologies and possible partnerships.

Benefit from the comprehensive know-how of Rutronik's experts and leading technology providers. We cordially invite you to the seminars in the "Innovation in Automation" series and look forward to discussing the future with you.

Online Seminars

Infineon: Winning the Robotics Revolution in Industry 4.0

Intel: AI & Vision Update

Kontron: The New Key Player in the Industrial Switch Business

Telit: How a New Generation of Cellular LPWA Modules Will Change the Edge of IoT


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