From now on, a special kind of review of the year is available at <link></link> until December 31. A countdown of 14 doors will present new products and innovations from the electronics industry and Rutronik in the year 2021. The annual review combines exciting insights with a social component. For every click on one of the doors, the company will donate one euro to Sterneninsel e.V. The children's and young people's hospice service supports affected families in which a child, young person, or parent has a life-threatening or life-shortening illness. "The month of December is ideal for providing information on topics that have moved us this year. In addition to new products, that includes trends, innovations, and added value that we have created for our partners. We would also like to use our annual review to move something ourselves. That's why we make a donation per click to Sterneininsel e.V. In this way, we can do our part to ensure that the important work of our long-standing partner can continue. As a company with deep roots in the region, we regard this as an important commitment and part of our social engagement," explains Florian Rubländer, Head of Global Marketing Communication.