From 0 to 100 km/h in 2.39 Seconds – Fast, Clean, and Beautiful

05/14/2018 Unternehmensnachrichten

Change is the order of the day in the automotive industry – “dieselgate” is just one of the many reasons why alternative drive systems and autonomous driving are currently the hottest topics in the automotive industry. This development is truly a revolution, since for the first time in decades, new companies are being founded that are challenging the established players with new models and a fresh spirit. But where does Rutronik fit into all this?

The Car, Your Friend

The slogan "The Car, Your Friend" was originally from the former South Korean automaker Daewoo. The startup company Faraday Future has now radically taken the idea of the car as man's best friend to its logical conclusion - its FF91 electric sedan fervently collects data about its driver. We admit that in and of itself, this isn't really surprising - but what is surprising is how Faraday Future uses the data: the FF91 is supposed to use this data to draw conclusions about the preferred driving style and adapt the car to the driver accordingly. What exactly this will effect - whether only the chassis or also the infotainment system - is not yet clear from the design study.

For car enthusiasts, however, what counts most are the vehicle's inner values. The FF91 is powered by three electric motors and is designed to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.39 seconds. All in all, the three motors deliver 1,050 hp. And the car is supposed to have a range of about 500 kilometers per charge. In other words, the FF91 is very fast, very clean, and very safe, promises Faraday Future. Its "Variable Platform Architecture" is designed to protect the lithium-ion battery, the drivetrain, and the FF Echelon inverter. And the FF91 also looks great too - a futuristic design and a striking front end make Faraday's speedster a real eye-catcher. See for yourself at (<link _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link"></link>).

For Rutronik, the automotive sector is one of the company's most important fields of business. That's why the experts from Rutronik's Automotive business unit are always up-to-date when it comes to the transportation solutions of tomorrow. Which is also why Rutronik is hosting the first Automotive Congress on June 5 and 6 in Pforzheim, Germany - with talks from world-class speakers, renowned participants, and professional discussions of the highest caliber. If you'd like to be part of it, click here to register: <link " " _blank external-link-new-window "open internal link"> </link>