
Infineon EV Charging Solutions from AC to high-power DC
06/11/2024 Know-How

The increasing demand for EV infrastructure has created a highly competitive market for EV charging systems, in which design engineers must…

Security ICs - Greater security for the networked world
06/05/2024 Know-How

Through wireless communication technologies such as 5G, more and more devices are now connected to the Internet. But for all the benefits, this also…

RECOM: RxxC2Txx Series Precision Power
06/03/2024 Know-How

The RxxC2Txx series 2W isolated DC/DC converter stands as a versatile solution tailored for isolated gate bias voltages, particularly designed for…

Security in Industry 4.0 applications - When microcontroller-based security is no longer enough
05/22/2024 Know-How

One consequence of the miniaturization of system-on-chips is that flash memory increasingly has to be implemented externally.

This brings with it…

Functional safety - Motor controller with many diagnostic and protection functions
05/08/2024 Know-How

The growing importance of functional safety in electronic systems is placing increasing demands on the self-diagnostic capabilities of complex motor…