
Rutronik System Solutions - The distributor as a development and research laboratory
04/10/2024 Know-How

While Rutronik is celebrating its 50th anniversary, Rutronik System Solutions is turning two. This relatively young segment allows the distributor to…

Microcontroller for high-end industrial equipment - Robotics and industrial drives require technical diversity, maximum processing power, and a high level of security
03/27/2024 Know-How

Industrial plants pose numerous development challenges. To overcome them, the right microcontroller is crucial in addition to extensive up-front…

Thermal management - Everything you need to know about fans
03/13/2024 Know-How

For the proper functioning and longevity of electronic systems, the maximum operating temperature of any component must not be permanently and/or…

Smart Home - Energy-efficient IoT with radar sensors
02/28/2024 Know-How

By combining radar technology and IoT sensors, the smart home not only becomes safer and more comfortable but also more energy efficient.

CO2 sensor monitors air quality in e-cars – Increasing the efficiency of air conditioning systems
02/14/2024 Know-How

How CO2 sensors in electric vehicles help maintain healthy air quality inside the vehicle while extending battery life and range.