Achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction is at the heart of our business policy.

Based on our long years of experience, we are pursuing the aim of doing our level best to meet the wishes of customers. This should be achieved by trading in high-quality electronic components, by their careful selection and inspection and by consultancy on their application.

Our Principles in Quality Policy

  • The customer defines the benchmark for the quality of orders executed and of future requirements
  • The success of our company necessitates common objectives, including implementation by divisions, departments, employees and management
  • The success of our company is sustained by the qualification and cooperation of all our employees
  • The quality we offer is the result of reproducible and comprehensible processes
  • Cost reductions require the elimination of redundant activities and are the result of successful process management
  • He who stops improving, stops being good.
  • Efficient decisions require a sound working basis
  • The quality of our suppliers has a serious influence on our business success

The Consequences

  • Our organisation is geared to the needs of our customers
  • Our managers are perfect examples in terms of their professional and personal qualifications.
  • We promote the motivation of our employees by delegating responsibility
  • Our processes and the interfaces are defined and are subject to constant analysis and improvement
  • Part aims and results are assessed by their contribution to achieving the business targets.
  • Constant improvements refer to our qualification and the capability of the processes.
  • We use company and external data for analysis and decision making
  • The relationships with our suppliers are long-term, strategic partnerships

General Terms and Conditions for Sales and Deliveries


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